Monad Transformers in Rust

Monad Transformers in Rust


I’m thrilled to finally embark on my blogging journey after a considerable period of contemplation.

Within these digital pages, I aim to delve into the realms of functional programming, theoretical computer science and the exhilarating art of hacking, covering a wide range of subjects from system administration to development and software architecture.

To avoid any misconceptions, allow me to clarify my definition of system administration. It does not entail the mere execution of the command

zipped :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
zipped = liftA2 (,)

-- An operator spelling, for convenience.
(&*&) :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
(&*&) = zipped
infixr 5 &*&

unit :: Applicative f => f ()
unit = pure ()

Instead, I am an avid enthusiast of source-based distributions, favoring tutorials and insights that revolve around the raw essence of software, rather than being specific to particular distributions.

Special Thanks

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